2018 Planetary Motion Guide

Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces

SR March 22 at 5:19 PM PST / 8:19 PM EST
SD April 15 at 2:21 AM PST / 5:21 AM EST
SR July 25/26 at 10:03 PM PDT / 1:03 AM EDT
SD August 18/19 at 9:25 PM PDT / 00:25 AM EDT
SR November 16 at 5:33 PM PST / 8:33 PM EDT
SD December 06, at 1:22 PM PST / 4:22 PM EST

16 ARIES 54
04 ARIES 47
23 LEO 27
11 LEO16
13 SAG 29

Daylight Saving Time
starts 2:00 AM March 11

SR October 5 at 12:05 PM PDT / 4:08 AM EDT

SD November 16 at 2:50 AM PST / 5:50 AM EDT


25 LIBRA 14

SR June 26 at 2:05 PM PDT / 5:05 PM EDT

SD August 27 at 7:05 AM PDT / 10:05 AM EDT



SR March 8 at 8:46 AM and PST / 11:46 AM EST
SD July 10 at 10:04 AM PDT / 1:04 PM EDT


SR April 17 at 6:47 PM PDT / 9:47 PM EDT
SD September 6 at 4:10 AM PDT / 7:10 AM EDT

SD January 2 at 6:11 AM PST / 9:11 AM EST
SR August 7 at 9:49 AM PDT / 12:49 PM EDT
SD January 5, 2019 at 12:26 PM PST / 3:26 PM EST
24 ARIES 34
02 TAURUS 34 / Uranus dips toe into Taurus May 15, 2018
28 ARIES 36 / Uranus permanently in Taurus for next 7 years on March 5, 2019

SR June 18 at 4:27 PM PDT / 7:27 PM EDT
SD November 24 at 5:09 PM PST / 8:09 PM EST

16 PISCES 30
13 PISCES 42

DST ends at 2:00 am Nov 4

SR April 22 at 8:23 AM PDT / 11:23 AM EDT
SD September 30 at 7:01 PM PDT / 10:01 PM EDT

Daylight Saving Time changes for the USA -- March 11, 2018 at 2:00 AM through November 4, 2018 at 2:00 AM.

Saros Cycle: 2018 Eclipses

5 Eclipses in 2018. Three are Solar.

SUN/MO at 27 AQ 07 – South Node Eclipse (Saros Cycle 1South) on Feb 15, 2018 *Square August 21 Solar Eclipse (28 LE) and Square New Moon of November 18, 26 SC) – STRESSFUL/INVIGORATING/CHALLENGING

This family of eclipses is concerned with ideas and their enthusiastic expression. If this eclipse affects your chart, you will be flooded with ideas or options. There may seem to be an element of haste, but if you can go with the new ideas, they will have positive outcomes."

The Eagle and the Lark, A Textbook of Predictive Astrology, by Bernadette Brady, Samuel Wieser, Inc, York Beach, Maine, 1992, pg. 308

The Eagle and the Lark, A Textbook of Predictive Astrology, by Bernadette Brady Pg. 308

SUN/MO at 20 CAN, July 12, 2018 Solar Partial Eclipse (Saros Cycle 2 Old North) on July 20, 2018

"This is a difficult eclipse family, as its members bring unfortunate news concerning friendships or relationships. You will be dealing with ideas of separation or the ending of a union. However, although the picture may look glum as the eclipse takes effect, the actual results are quite positive. You will quickly grasp what has to be done and fast action can bring good results. The theme of this eclipse is action concerning personal relationships."

The Eagle and the Lark, A Textbook of Predictive Astrology, by Bernadette Brady, Samuel Wieser, Inc, York Beach, Maine, 1992, pg. 309

SUN/MO at 18 LE, August 11, 2018, Solar Partial Eclipse (Saros Cycle 2 New North)

"If this family of eclipses affects a chart, the person will experience the sudden collapse of plans or life-styles. Confusion may reign but the long-term effects are those of rebuilding and transformation. After the dust has settled, the rebuilding starts and the consequences of this reshaping will have far-reaching effects. This eclipse family changes a person’s direction through the sudden collapse of an existing structure."

The Eagle and the Lark, A Textbook of Predictive Astrology, by Bernadette Brady, Samuel Wieser, Inc, York Beach, Maine, 1992, pg. 309

2018 CARDINAL INGRESSES, Set for Wash, D.C.

Spring Equinox/Aries Ingress
Sun 0 Aries
March 20, 2018
12:19 pm EDT +4

Washington, DC
Asc: 5 CAN 02/conjunct USA’s Venus & Jupiter

Summer Solstice/Cancer Ingress

Sun 0 Cancer
June 21, 2018
6:08 am EDT +4
Washington, DC
Asc: 4 Cancer 30/conjunct USA’s Venus & Jupiter

Autumn Equinox/Libra Ingress

Sun 0 Libra
September 22, 2018
9:55 pm EDT +4
Washington, DC
Asc: 3 GE 30

Winter Solstice/Capricorn Ingress

Sun 0 Capricorn
December 21, 2018
5:23 pm EST+5
Washington, DC
Asc: 8 CAN 34 conjunct USA’s Jupiter & Sun


All eclipses set for Washington, DC 38N53, 77W02. Rounded up to next degree. I.e., if an eclipse is occurs at 10 degrees 05 minutes, it's rounded up to 11 degrees.

2018 Eclipses are a reiteration of the 1999 cycle

Total Lunar Eclipse
MO 11 LE 37/SU 11 AQ 37
Jan 31, 2018
8:26:39 AM +5
Washington, DC 34N53, 077W02
ASC 05 PI 58

Solar Partial EclipseSolar Partial Eclipse
SUN/MO 27 AQ 07 – South Node Eclipse (Saros Cycle 1South)
*Square August 21 Solar Eclipse (28 LE) and Square New Moon of November 18, 26 SC) – STRESSFUL/INVIGORATING/CHALLENGING
Feb 15, 2018
4:05:07 PM EST +5
Washington, DC
34N53, 077W02
ASC 8 LE 04

Solar Partial Eclipse – North Node Eclipse (Saros Cycle 2 Old North)
SUN/MO 20 CAN 41
July 12, 2018
10:47:46 PM EDT +4
Washington, DC
34N53, 077W02
ASC 08 PI 44

Total Lunar Eclipse
July 27, 2018
4:20:15 PM EDT +4:00
Washington, DC
34N53, 077W02
ASC 6 SAG 50

Solar Partial Eclipse - North Node (Saros Cycle 2 New North)
August 11, 2018
5:57:38 AM EDT +4
Washington, DC
34N53, 077W02
ASC 13 LE 44


The North Node is in Leo/Aquarius from May 10, 2017 to November 6, 2018

The North Node enters Cancer Nov 07, 2018 to May 05 2020 Cancer


Jupiter sextile Pluto (January 7 to January 25 and September 5 to September 17) SC to CAP


Uranus enters Taurus (May 15th) May 15, 2018 and after a retrograde period back to 28 Aries, on March 5, 2019 UR moves back into TAU for 7 full years

Uranus completes its retrograde that began on August 2, 2017, in 2018 on January 2nd, and will retrograde again in August 2018. Uranus is retrograde from August 7th, 2018, until January 5th, 2019, in the sign of Aries.

Jupiter in Scorpio trines Neptune in Pisces (May 25 to June 13 and August 11 to August 25)

Saturn in Capricorn trines Uranus in Taurus (August 21 to September 21)

Five Millennium Catalog of Solar Eclipses

Five Millennium Catalog of Lunar Eclipses

NASA Eclipses and transit information Years 2011--2020



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